Dobsonian Telescope

I am currently constructing a Dobsonian Telescope in my free time. This summer I layed out plans, aquired materials, and started construction of building it.

I am not yet done with this project, as it is a current work in progress. But here are some pictures I have taken to log my progress.

I made a paper template and traced this perfect circle that matches my main parabolic mirror (A Link to the mirror here).

Here is a picture of my hand reflected in the mirror. The mirror is an 8" inch, f/5 Parabolic mirror.

Here is the wood from earlier, that I cut using a circle jig and a router, fitted inside the cardboard concrete tube that I am using for the main outer structure of the telescope.

This is two pieces of wood I cut to act as a mirror cell mount.

This is two sheets of plywood I cut, this is the start of the mount for the actual telescope structure. The rockers, will sit in those cut-out circles and rotate.

These four semi circles are from the two pieces of plywood seen above. These will hold onto the main telescope structure, and rotate in the frame above.

Like I described earlier, the telescope is not done yet, this will be a place where I will continue to update my progress.

As of 2024, I will continue this project into my second year of engineering school, and have been fabricating a CAD design using SolidWorks of the telescope. When I am finished with the design, I will update the progress here.

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